HELP! My builders have left me with a cleanroom that does not meet my specification..
HELP! My builders have left me with a cleanroom that does not meet my specification..
The kinds of projects that we see in this area range dramatically. There are the multi million pound new factories or offices that included one or two cleanrooms but due to the enormity of the project as a whole the detail of the cleanroom specification got over looked. It might be that known contractors to the site, are asked to convert a room and for what ever reason they give it a go. Or perhaps a start up that didn't think they had the budget to approach a bonafide cleanroom company and so tried to pull something together with internet searches and YouTube tutorials.
The results are the same, a room which does not meet the user specification.
When we receive one of these calls the first thing that we will do is to visit the site and do a full test of the facility according to BS EN ISO 14644-2:2015. National annex. Guidance on maximum time intervals for periodic testing of cleanrooms and clean zones. This would usually mean particle count, airflow testing and filter integrity testing but may also combine other tests.
Whilst our highly experienced CTCB-I qualified engineers are on site they would also do a visual inspection of the cleanroom, reporting any defects they saw that could be contributing to the problems.
The testing would be compiled into a report which alongside the defects and a report analysing the air delivery system could be used by the customer in a number of ways.
- If the cleanroom is a new project we would encourage the customer to talk to the supplier and share our independent report as a way to work to resolve the issues. Once the supplier felt the defects have been rectified we could then come back to retest.
- If the supplier is not available or willing to work on the defects ISO Cleanroom can quote to rectify the mistakes to give you a functioning cleanroom.
Toni Horsfield had this to say about this growing area of business for ISO Cleanroom.
If you are just starting your cleanroom build please do make sure that you have done your homework and know that your chosen contractor not only has cleanroom experience but also experience to the grade and environmental specifications that you require.
If you need any help or advice please do not hesitate to give our office a ring and we will do our best to advise you.